Tuesday 29 May 2012

Email Adress


Activities the Students Book Pag. 46

1.-Listen and complete the customer call form.

Manuel Vargas.
Phone number:
Email address:
Please, send me your catalogue of sports equipment.

2.-Listen and write the correct email and web addresses.

When you hear this
Write this
1.-waleed at sports dot com
2.-adam at city dot co dot U, K
adam@city.co.U, K
3.-theo Walcott, that’s T-H-E-O then W-A-L-C-O-T-T at goalfeast, that’s G-O-A-L-F-E-A-S-T all one word dot com
4.-C dot ronaldo, that’s R-O-N-A-L-D-O at back-of-the-net, that’s B-A-C-K dash O-F dash T-H-E dot net
5.-www dot Toyota, that’s T-O-Y-O-T-A dot com forward slash customer dash support
6.-wwwdot orascom, that’s O-R-A-S-C-O-M dot com dot E-G forward slash salñes underscore one

4.-Listen to this phone conversation and complete the questions.

What's your surname, please?
-It's Lint
Could you repeat that, please?
Could you spell that, please?
Is that T or D?
-It's T. T for teacher.
Thanks. And what's the product number?
-It's 17-305.
Is that 17 or 70?
-Teen. Seventeen.One seven.
Right. Thanks.

Racing car materials

1.-De carreras=> the racing
2.-Aleacion ligera=> light alloy
3.-Recubierto=> coated
5.-Chasis=> frame
6.-Oxidación=> corrosion resistant
7.-La ultima tecnologia=> latest hi-tech
8.-Aleron deflector=> spoiler
9.-Parte interior=>inner core

Activities the Students Book Pag. 44

3.-Underline the stressed syllable.
a) ny lon
b) graph ite
c) ce ram ic
d) pol y car bon ate
e) al u min i um
f) pol y sty rene
g) ti ta ni um
h) fi bre glass

Activities the Students Book Pag. 42

-Wheel: nylon/steel/rubber/air/bronze/plastic.
-Mobile: gold/silver/plastic/copper/glass/carbon/ruber.

2.-Listen ans answer the questions.
a)What material is the rope made of?
-Tensile strenght.
b)What is the lecturer doing?
-Pull in the rope.
c)Is the rope breaking?

3.-Listen again and complete the dialogue.
I'm pulling the rope. I'm stretching it. Is it breaking?
No, it isn't.
That's right. It isn't breaking.

4.-Match the actions with the verbs in the box.
-Bend=> doblar.
-Compress=> presionar.
-Cut=> cortar.
-Drop=> dejar caer
-Heat=> calentar.
-Scratch=> arañar.
-Stretch=> elongar.
-Strike=> golpear.

Activities the Students Book Pag. 40

6.- Make true sentences.
a)The water pump pushes water around the engine.
b)The thermostat control the temperature of the water.
c)The two hoses conect the radiator to the engine.
d)The radiator cools the hot water from the engine.
e)The fan blades vlows air into the radiator.
f)Cool water sink to the bottom of the radiator.
g)Hot water rise to the top of the engine.
h)Water flows through the two hoses.


1.-Circula por la manguera inferior.
-It flows a long the bottom lose.
2.-El agua la enfria un ventilador.
-A fan cools the water.
3.-La bomba impulsa el agua fria por el motor.
-The pump pushes cool water around the engine.
4.-Circula por la manguera superior hacia el radiador.
-It flows thought, the top horse into the radiator.
5.-Y el motor se enfria.
-This cools the engine.

Activities the Students Book Pag. 37

6.-Complete the table with the verbs in the box.

Out/out of


1.-Si la bateria está descargada el regulador deja pasar la corriente del panel a la bateria.
-If the battery is flat, the controller left the corrent pass from the panel to the battery.
2.-Si el deposito de combustible está vacio el indicador se mueve hacia la izquierda.
-If the fuel tank is empty the arrow mores to the left.
3.-i el alternador funciona, carga la bateria.
-If the alternator warks, it charges the battery.
4.-Si el fusible esta fundido no pasa la corriente.
-If the fuse is broken, the current doesn't  pass.
5.-Si las luces estan encendidas el regulador deja pasar la corriente de la bateria.
-If the are on, the controller lets the current from the battery pass.


1.-El agua sale del deposito.
-Water goes out the tank.
-Water leaves the tank.
2.-El agua caliente se eleva en dirección hacia la superficie.
-Warm water rise to the surface.
-Warm water goes up to the surface.
3.-El agua caliente pasa por la valvula antirretorno.
-Warm water goes throught the one way valve.

Activities the Students Book Pag. 36

4.-Draw the flow chart, putting these boxes into the correct order.
a)Cold water goes into the system.
b)Cols water enters the water tank.
c)Water goes the tank to the panel.
d)Water becomes warm in the panel.
e)Warm water goes out of the panel-
f)Warm water enters the water tank
g)The valve opens.
h)Warm water flows to the shower.

Activitates the Students Book Pag.35

16.-Put a, an, some or a pair of before each item.
-A printer.                      -Some headphones.
-An AC adapter.            -A pair of earphones.
-Some speakers.            -Some nuts.
-A keuboard.                 -Some bolts.
-An amplifier.                 -A pair of pliers.

Activitates the Students Book Pag.33

6.-Label the parts with the words in the box.
a)A pair of pliers has two handles and two jaws.
b)The scissors has two handles and two jaws.
c)The spade has a shaft and a handle and a spade.
d)The hammer has a shaft and a handle and a head.

Activitates the Students Book Pag.32

2.- Answer the questions in the negative. Then make a positive statement.
a)Do you have a car? (motorbike) => No, I don't have a car. I have a motorbike.
b)Does your brother have a DVD?(VCR) => No, it doesn't have a DVD. He has a VCR.
c)Does the Multi Tool have a sissors? (knife blade) => No, it doesn't have scissors. It has knife blade.
d)Do we have English today? (Science) => No, we don't have English today. We have Science.
e)Does your radio have batteries? (dunamo) => No, it doesn't have batteries. It has dynamo
f)Do the pliers have plastic handles? (metal handles( => No, they don't have plastic handles. They have metal handles.

3.- Rewrite these sentences using contractions where possible.
a)The Multi Tool doesn't have a wrench. It isn't very useful.
b)We don't have an AC adapter. We can't switch on the computer.
c)I'm a technicial, but i con't have my tools here. I can't repair your TV.
d)The electricity is off, and we don't have any batteries. You can't use the radio now.

4.- Give short answers.
a)Can you swim? (No). => No, I can't.
b)Is he an IT technician? (No) => No, he isn't.
c)Does the DVD work now? (Yes) => Yes, it does.
d)Do you friends have tickets for the cinema? (No) => No they don't.
e)Are you technology student? (Yes) => Yes, it is.
f)Does your radio have a solar panel? (No) => No, it isn't
g)Are you a telecoms engineer? (No) => No, it isn't.
h)Can planes rotate on a horizontal axis? (Yes) => Yes, it can.

Activitates the Students Book Pag.32

1.-Rewrite these statements as questions.
a)John has the spanners. => Does John have the spanners?
b)The students have a holiday tomorrow. => Do the students have holiday tomorrow?
c)The Multi Tool has a screwdriver. => Do the Multi Tool have a screwdriver?
d)These bikes have strong brakes. => Do these bikes have strong bikes?
e)The radio has an internal battery. => Does the radio have an internal battery?
f)Those houses have solar panels. => Do those houses have solar panels?

Monday 12 March 2012

List all countries where the steering wheel is on the right

Antigua and Barruda, Australia, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Bermuda, Butan, Bruney, Cyprus, Dominica, Timor, Fiji, Grenade, Guyana, Hong-Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Macao, Malawi, Malasia, Maldibes, Malta, Mauritania, Islam Monserrat,Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Palistan, Saint Helena, Singapone, South African, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, U.K., Zambia.


Look at the diagram of the transmitter.
Fijese en el diagram del emisor.
There are two joysticks.
Hay dos joysticks
One is on the left.
Uno está en la izquierda
This is the left-hand (LH) stick.
Este es el mando de la izquierda.
The other is on the right.
El otro esta a la derecha.
This is the right-hand (RH) stick.
Este es el mando de la derecha.
Now look at the LH joystick
Ahora fijese en la palanca de la izquierda.
This controls the speed and the directions of the plane.
Esta controla la velocidad y la dirección del avión.
Push the LH stick up (away from you) and the plane accelerates.
Empuje la palanca izquierda hacia delante y el avión acelera.
Pull it down (towards you) and the plane slows down.
Estire (hacia usted) y el avión desacelerara.
Slide the stick to the left and the plane turns left.
Deslice el mando hacia la izquierda y el avión gira hacia la izquierda
Slide it to the right and it turns right.
Deslice el mando hacia la derecha y el girara a la derecha.
Now look at the RH joysticks.
Ahora fijese en  la palanca de la derecha.
This controls the roll and the tilt of the plane.
Este controla el giro en el eje longitudinal I la inclinación del avión
Push the RH stick up (away from you) and the plane descends (or goes down).
Empuja la palanca derecha hacia delante (alejandose de ti) y el avión desciende.
Pull it down (towards you) and the plane ascends (or goes up).
Tira hacia ati y el avión ascenderá (o irá hacia arriba).
Slide the stick to the left and the plane rolls to the left.
Desliza el mando a la izquierda y el avión gira sobre su eje hacia la izquierda
Slide it to the right and it rolls to the right.
Desliza el mando a la derecha y el avión girarara sobre su eje hacia la derecha.

Movement arm

Houlder => Hombro.
Elbow => Codo.
Forearm=> Antebrazo.
Wrist => Muñeca


1.- Ponga el piston en la parte superior de la biela.
-Put the piston above the connecting rod
2.- La chaveta esta en la cabeza de la valvula.
-The cotter pin is at the top of valve.
3.- El cigüeñal esta en el punto muerto superior.
-The crank is at the top dead centre.
4.- El engranaje de la distribución esta a la izquierda.
-The timing sprocket is on left.
5.- La marca de calage de la distribución esta a la derecha.
-The timing mark is on right.
6.- El deposito de combustible esta en la parte superior.
-The fuel tank is at the top.
7.- Situe los cables sobre el motor.
-Put the cables above the engine.



Book ACT. 3 Pag. 24

Here is one way to set up your computer station. Put your sceen in the centre of the system. Then put ones speaker in the centre on the left, and put the other speaker in the centre on the right. Put the scanner at the top on the right and put the computer at the top on the left.Then put the DVD drive at the bottom in the center and put the printer at the top in the center. Finally, put the keyboard at the bottom in the center, and put the mouse at the bottom on the right.


1.-When you press the acceleration.
1.-The car goes fasther.
2.-When you turn to the steering wheel to the right.
2.-The car turns right.
3.-When you pull the gear lever to __
3.-The car reverses.
4.-When you press the banki pedal.
4.-The car stops.

Mark: 10


1.-Tire del mando de la izquierda hacia usted y el avión va más despacio.
-Push the stick to the left away from you and the plane goes more ____.
2.-Deslice el mando de la derecha hacia la izq y el avión desciende.
-Slide the stick to the right ___ left and the plane descends.

1.-Pull the L.H. lever towards you and the plane slow down.
2.-Slide the R.H. stick to the left and the plane goes down.

Mark: 4


1.- La marca del calage de la distribución esta a la derecha.
-The timing mark in on the right.
2.- Situe los cables sobre el motor.
-Put the cables above the engine.

Mark: 10




Mark: 10


1.-¿Jose tiene una multiherramienta?
-Does Jose have a multi-tool?
2.-¿Su empresa tiene servicio de seguridad?
-Does your company have a safety protocal?
3.-No tenemos puestos libres.
-We don't have vacancies.
4.-¿Usted y sus empleados tienen vacaciones pagadas?
-Do you and your employees have paid holidays?
5.-¿Tienes alicates?
-Does it have a pair of plier?


1.- PLAT.
a) A broad, mainly fiat ressel on which food is served food.
b) Electrode (electricity).
-Two dimensional:
c) A mass of land (geology).
d) A surface to capture images (photograpy).
e) A metal flat sureace (metalurgy).

a) A large road vehicle for carrying good.
b) Railway vehicle for carrying freight.
c) Low fiat-topped tolley for moving heavy items.
d) Axle units on a skateboard.

a) A rod or spindle passing throught the centre of a wheel.

Book ACT.13 Pag.18

1.- WED 10/04/07  13.40
-Wednesday, the tenth of April 2007 at 1.40 pm.
2.-FRI 13/11/09  07.55
-Friday, the thirteenth of November 2009 at ten past eight.
3.-MON 03/09/10  11.05
-Monday, the thirth of  September 2010 at five past eleven.
4.-WED 29/01/11  21.32
-Wednestady, the twenty nine of January 2011 at twenty-eight minutes to ten.