Tuesday 13 December 2011


A valve is a part responsable for opening and cloring the inlet exaut of a combustion chambers and letting in fuel and ais mix and litting out exaust fumes.

My English Teacher

My  new teacher of English is Vicente. My teacher is from Valencia on the street six. He has 54 years. Hisfavorite color is black. My English teacher likes to climb and the view that football is not bad. He says he loves his job, but apart fromspeaking English as a foreign language knows some French. The music that you like is rock and roll. He has four sisters and zero brothers. He likes to watch Madagascar. And this is more or less the life of Vincent my English teacher =)


-A-> ei
-B-> bi
-C-> ci
-D-> di
-E-> i
-F-> ef
-G-> gi
-H-> eich
-I-> ai
-J-> jei
-K-> kei
-L-> el
-M-> em
-N-> en
-O-> ou
-P-> pi
-Q-> quiu
-R-> er
-S-> es
-T-> ti
-U-> iu
-V-> vi
-W-> doble iu
-X-> ex
-Y-> way
-Z-> zet

Monday 12 December 2011


-This: Este   (/Des/)
-These: Estos    (/Dis/)
-That: Ese/Aquel    (/Dat/)
-Those: Aquellos   (/Dous/)


1.-M,12 -VII - 2011 (3:45).
-Monday, twelveth - July - twenty eleven (at quarter to four).

2.-T, 4 - IV - 2004 (4:15).
-Tuesday, fourth - April - two thousand and four (at quarter past four).

3.-Th, 31 - IX - 1994 (2:10).
-Thursday, thirty first - September - nineteen ninety-four (at ten past two).

4.-W,14 - V - 1990 (1:25).
-Wednesday, fourteenth - May - nineteen ninety (at twenty-five past one).

5.-F, 6 - VI - 2001 (12:05).
-Friday, sixth - June - two thousand and one (at five past twelve).

6.-St, 1 - I - 2005 (00:01)
-Saturday, first - Janbuary - two thousand and five (at one minute past twelve)


00:00 -> at twelve o'clock
00:05 -> at five past twelve
00:10 -> at ten past twelve
00:15 -> at quarter past twelve
00:20 -> at twenty past twelve
00:25 -> at twenty-five past twelve
00:30 -> at half past twelve
00:35 -> at twenty-five to one
00:40 -> at twenty to one
00:45 -> at quarterto one
00:50 -> at ten to one
00:55 -> at five to one


-Martillo: Hammer.
-Alicates: Pliers.
-Cinta metrica: Tape meaure
-Llave inglesa: Spanner
-Llave alien con mango: Allen wrench hamdle
-Llave de estrias: Key gooves
-Pico-loro: Parrot beak.


-Enero: January.
-Febrero: February.
-Marzo: March.
-Abril: April.
-Mayo: May.
-Junio: June.
-Julio: July.
-Agosto: August.
-Septiembre: September.
-Octubre: October.
-Noviembre: November.
-Diciembre: December.

days of the week

-Lunes: Monday.
-Martes: Tuesday.
-Miercoles: Wednesday.
-Jueves: Thursday.
-Viernes: Friday.
-Sabado: Saturday.
-Domingo: Sunday.

Monday 21 November 2011